Why were the rational Elizabeth Bennet and the naive Georgiana Darcy both attracted to the scoundrel George Wickham? Neuroscience explains why.
I recall my sophomore year English literature class where we read “Sense and Sensibility.” In the book, both the rational and independent-minded Elizabeth and the innocent and naive Georgiana Darcy are attracted to and deceived by the same scoundrel, George Wickham. Why did this happen? This question puzzled me during high school, but I found the answer in college when I came across Nobuko Nakano’s book, “Psychopathy: Is it Malicious Kindness or Alluring Madness?”
記得我的高二英文讀物:理性與感性,書中理性且有獨立思考能力的伊莉莎白和天真未經世事的喬治安娜達西都被同一個渣男喬治威克姆吸引並欺騙了,為什麼會這樣呢?這個問題我高中的時候沒想明白,直到我大學時期看到中野信子的這本書:「病態人格:是藏著惡意的善良, 還是富有魅力的瘋狂?」才知道當初高中時期萌芽在心中的問題的答案。
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附註:封面英文題名: Psychopath
Answer to the Title Question
A study conducted at Washington University involving 128 female students found that men who possess the “Dark Triad” traits — psychopathy, self-interest, and narcissism — tend to be more outwardly charming and thus more attractive to women. Ordinary men may struggle with complimenting women or may become tongue-tied due to nervousness. However, psychopaths are less likely to experience such anxiety, enabling them to speak smoothly and naturally when flattering women. Women often fall for this deception, failing to notice the insincerity behind the words.
Why do some women choose scoundrels?
Because being with a scoundrel can lead to greater reproductive success. If a woman instinctively feels that her children will have a higher chance of survival with the genes of a strong man, choosing a scoundrel makes sense. However, while some strong men lack empathy, posing potential harm to women, the immediate judgment may focus on the higher likelihood of successful reproduction rather than the long-term risks. Surprisingly, phenomena such as the “attractiveness of abusive men” may stem from this instinctual basis.
美國華盛頓大學以一二八名女學生做為實驗對象,結果顯示,當一個男性身上具備「暗黑金三角」 (Dark Triad)也就是病態人格、自利、自戀等特質時,外在魅力會較高,較容易得到女性歡迎。普通的男性不善於誇獎女性,或是因為緊張而口齒遲鈍。 但是病態人格者較不會具有這類不安情緒,因此能夠口齒清晰、自然而然地讚美女性。女性往往就這樣被欺騙,並不會察覺到對方言不由衷。
因為「跟渣男在一起較容易成功繁殖」。假如女性會本能地感覺「當自己的孩子擁有強大男性的基因,生存下來的可能性較高」, 那麼選擇渣男並不奇怪。但是有些男性雖然強大,卻缺乏同理心,因此這類男性有可能對女性造成危害。或許女性在選擇這類男性的當下,只判斷容易繁殖成功(孩子生存的機率 變高),並沒有想到之後的風險。令人意外的,「家暴男看起來具有魅力」等現象或許也是根源於此。
Key Points of the Book:
Psychopathy is a personality disorder: Individuals with this disorder exhibit persistent antisocial behavior, lack empathy and remorse, and act boldly and recklessly, driven by self-interest.
Diagnosis is not binary: There is a wide gray area in diagnosing psychopathy.
Lack of empathy: Psychopaths cannot empathize with others. They do not feel guilt when committing immoral acts, though they are adept at understanding others’ psychological states, easily gaining trust, and masquerading as ordinary, even benevolent, individuals.
Failure to comprehend antisocial behavior: Due to brain abnormalities, psychopaths lack empathy and conscience, failing to understand that antisocial behavior is wrong.
Two types of psychopaths: “Successful” and “unsuccessful.” The key difference lies in the volume of the prefrontal cortex and gray matter. “Unsuccessful” psychopaths are unhesitant criminals who become serial killers or habitual thieves, eventually getting imprisoned. “Successful” psychopaths understand that crime is unacceptable in a lawful society and instead manipulate others to improve their own lives without revealing their true nature.
Emotional Level: Psychopaths lack empathy and conscience, making them unable to understand others’ feelings or feel guilt. For example, they might harm others without reason or show no remorse when doing wrong.
Interpersonal Level: They are skilled at manipulating others, easily gaining trust, and using people to achieve their goals. For instance, they might pretend to be good people or exploit others’ sympathy to get help.
Behavioral Level: Psychopaths often engage in antisocial behavior, breaking laws or harming others’ interests. For example, they might steal, rob, or even commit murder.
- 病態人格者是一種人格障礙,患者會表現出持續的反社會行為,缺乏同理心和自責行為,行事偏向大膽、失控,有利己主義行為。
- 病態人格者的診斷並非非黑即白,而是存在有大片灰色地帶。
- 病態人格者最大的特徵是缺乏感同身受的能力,他們在做出違反道德的行為時「沒有罪惡感」,雖然無法感受,卻善於判斷其他人的心理狀況,能夠輕易獲得他人信任,偽裝成普通人,甚至進一步偽裝成「好人」。
- 病態人格者無法理解「反社會行為」是不能做的事,因為大腦功能異常,導致他們缺乏同理心和良心。
- 病態人格者可分為「成功」與「失敗」兩種,關鍵在於在於前額葉皮質與灰質的體積。
- 「失敗」的病態人格者會毫不猶豫地犯罪,成為連續殺人犯或慣竊,終有一天被捕入獄;「成功」的病態人格者明白「法治社會不能犯罪」,轉而藏身於生活周遭,巧妙地利用他人讓自己過得更好,不會輕易顯露本性。
- 病態人格者在情感層面缺乏同理心和良心,因此他們無法理解他人的感受,也不會感到罪惡感。例如,他們可能會在沒有任何理由的情況下傷害他人,或者在做錯事時也不會感到任何悔恨。
- 病態人格者在人際關係層面善於操縱他人,他們能夠輕易獲得他人的信任,並利用他人來達到自己的目的。例如,他們可能會假裝成好人,或者利用他人的同情心來獲得幫助。
- 病態人格者在行為層面往往表現出反社會行為,他們可能會違法亂紀,或者做出損害他人利益的事情。例如,他們可能會偷竊、搶劫、或甚至殺人。